"Roll to Ascend" is a part of an on-going Dungeons and Dragons project that began development in early March 2021. It began as the idea of combining the game Genshin Impact with D&D. With my friend and artist peer Bones Lake to make a ruleset that both incorporated the mechanics of D&D, but still stayed true to the video game. What began as a passion project became and still grows as a subculture for fans of the two games. This focuses on the art production behind the scenes.

EP. 1 Roll to Ascend: "Those Who Caught the Wind"(2021) - Thumbnail art by Naomi Foster

early development
Character creation is the backbone of any D&D campaign. Below are the character designs I illustrated for overlays and references; Miyeon, Umber, and Ly Hoa designed by their respective players, the rest by me.
The logo for early promotion is also below, taking the usual D&D logo and changing the dragon to mimic Dvalin from Genshin.
Character design lineup and height chart.
Announcement logo and character reveal.
guests + early production
A crucial part of this project has been networking with other creators. After editing clips for TikTok, I garnered the attention of thousands, including voice actor Corina Boettger who voices the mascot, Paimon, for Genshin Impact. Below are designs and applications of character designs for guests and early non-player character designs.
Screenshots from Ep. 3 ft. chillycayenne and Ep. 12 ft. omnistruck.
Tanji (played by sleepmuttt) and Wazi (played by Corina Boettger) designs.
Lia Huang and Oliver Morgan character designs.
Ilya Cicero turnaround.
current development: fontaine
Currently, the project is in a mass world-building stage, primarily with the French-influenced region of Fontaine. Additionally, I updated the character overlay art. Below are the updated designs, a map draft of the region, and more non-player character designs.
New character overlay art and comparison.
Map of Fontaine Draft #1
Concepts for Pénombre and La Forêt des Fantômes.
Caroline Coach character design.
Hydro Archon (Acionna/Vepar) character ideations.
Headshot design sketches of Jihan, Alistair Rose, and Tatakai Fuyu
Yui Xilthyra character design.
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